After much optimisation it turns out the following code does the job
for me.  In the end using count didn't give me the flexibility I
needed.  Instead I now name each thread and track them accordingly.
It's arguable if I need the thread locking now though, however I have
left it in to remind me of the syntax.

Thank you for posting back Dennis.  Much appreciated.

# --------------------------------------------------------
class ServerThreads:
    Wrapper for thread handling.  These threads are not
    dynamic, that is to say once the  application is fully
    loaded the number of threads running is determined
    by the size of  the application - and is fixed.
    # --------------------- Class Attributes
    # Dict holds object references to all threads
    # created in the server (running or not)
    thr_objects = {}
    # Dict holds status of all running threads
    # 0 = stopped, 1 = running
    thr_running = {}
    # Lock object
    lck = Lock()

    def launch(self, ThrName, SubToLaunch,
                       SubsArgs=(), SubsKwargs={}, AsDaemon=True):

        """ Kickoff a thread.
        thr_objects        : Dictionary using ThreadTitle
                                    as the key which holds
                                    references to the thread object
        thr_running        : Dictionary holding the status
                                    of each thread
        s = ServerThreads
        # ---------------------
            t = Thread(name = ThrName, target=SubToLaunch,
                                args = SubsArgs, kwargs = SubsKwargs)
            t.setDaemon(AsDaemon)            # Must be set before start
            s.thr_objects[ThrName] = t
            s.thr_running[ThrName] = 1
            if ag.gb_Appdebug: print 'Thread Started -------------  ',
            # ---------------------

    def stoprequest(self,thr_name):
        """ Thread stop request - stop is pending.
        Join is not needed because the main code body
        drops out of the thread loops once the
        thr_running = true condition has been removed."""
        s = ServerThreads
        # ---------------------
        s.thr_running[thr_name] = 0        # Flag to tell running
thread to please terminate
        if ag.gb_Appdebug: print 'Thread Stopping ----------- ' +
        # ---------------------

    def allOK(self):
        """ Returns a list of all threads that are down
        when they shouldn't be (if any) """
        s = ServerThreads
        ThreadsDown = []
        for thr_name in s.thr_objects:
            if not s.thr_objects[thr_name].isAlive() and
                # If a thread has an unscheduled stop indicate this by
returning the
                # threads name otherwise return None.
        return ThreadsDown


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