Yes, I see that now.  I tried your method and it seemed to work fine
until I tried printing the filesize out.

def checkfilesize(thefile):
        # Check the Size of the File
  global filesize,2)
  filesize = thefile.tell()
  print filesize
  print conf["upmax"]
  if filesize <= conf["upmax"]:
    print "File Size Okay."
    noupload = False
    print "File is too Large."
    noupload = True

Basically conf["upmax"] is a number that I extract from a configuration
file that is the maximum size of an upload.  I had tried setting
conf["upmax"] to 1 and it should have technically disallowed a 28 byte
file to pass through.  But it did, so I added two lines to print the
file size and the conf["upmax"] variable.
The file size turned out to be "0"!
thefile still is just params["upfile"].file, by the way.

Any suggestions?


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