Antoon Pardon wrote: > Op 2005-10-25, Christopher Subich schreef <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: >> >>My biggest complaint here is about returning None or IncomparableValue; >>if that happens, then all code that relies on cmp returning a numeric >>result will have to be rewritten. > > > I don't know. There are two possibilities. > > 1) The user is working with a total order. In that case the None > or IncomparableValues won't be returned anyway so nothing about > his code has to change. > > 2) The user is working with a partial order. In that case cmp > doesn't provide consistent results so the use of cmp in this > case was a bug anyway.
Case 3) The user is working with an unknown class, using duck typing, and expects a total order. If cmp suddenly returned Incomparable or None, the code would break in Unexpected Ways, with Undefined Behavior. This is a classic "exception versus error code" argument; in this case, returning None would be the error flag. It's almost always better to just throw the exception, because then this allows error-checking at a more natural level. >>As for saying that cmp should return some times and raise an exception >>other times, I just find it squicky. > > > But cmp already behaves this way. The only difference would be that > the decision would be made based on the values of the objects instead > of only their class. > > >>Admittedly, this is entirely up to >>the class designer, and your proposed guideline wouldn't change cmp's >>behavior for clases that /are/ totally ordered. >> >>Then again, sets excepted, your guideline doesn't seem very applicable >>in standard library code. > > > Well AFAIAC this isn't specific about library code. A change that cmp return a 4th possible "value" (None or Incomparable) is a fundamental language change. Because this would break large amounts of existing code, it's a bad idea. A change that cmp throw an exception iff the two objects, rather than the two classes, were incomparable (allowing comparisons of( 1+0j and 2+0j) and ({a} and {a,b}) but not (1+1j and 2+0j) and ({a} and {b})) is a stylistic guideline, since it's already possible to write your own classes this way. The only place this change would matter is in the standard library code, and in just a few places at that. --