[Sybren Stuvel]

[Tim Golden]
> > It's obvious that everyone has a different way of working, and that
> > I'm more comfortable in Windows because all sorts of small
> > familiarities

> So what I read in your post is that you simply don't want to leave
> your familiar environment. Fair enough.

Well yes. I think the (only slightly) wider point I was
making was that -- despite goodwill and several attempts 
on my part -- Linux still has not overpowered me with its
usefulness. Extending from this, where I am someone who's
a competent computer user (indeed, a professional software
developer of some years' standing) and who has honestly 
tried, it seems that switching to Linux is not quite such 
a no-brainer as people sometimes make out.

Just occasionally you read posts from people who say
(synthesised) "The Windows command line is rubbish",
"Windows crashes all the time", "All Windows machines
are overrun with adware and generate spam willy-nilly".
And you just wonder whether such people have actually
*used* a properly set up Windows machine recently.


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