As far i know, in pickle-file there are only attributes values of a pickled 
object, but not an object itself.

It is possible to unpickle object only if you have the sourse of the class that 
object you have pickled.
So, if you have class code and attribute values of the class instance, there is 
no problem to produce a textual representation of the object. Isn't it?

(sorry for my English)

Gabriel Genellina wrote:
> Hello
> I want to convert from pickle format to python source code. That is,
> given an existing pickle, I want to produce a textual representation
> which, when evaluated, yields the original object (as if I had
> unpickled the pickle).
> I know of some transformations pickle/xml (Zope comes with one such
> tool, gnosis xml is another) so I believe I could build something based
> on them.
> But I dont want to reinvent the wheel, I wonder if anyone knows of a
> library which could do what I want?
> Thanks,
> Gabriel Genellina
> Softlab SRL

Best regards,
Maksim Kasimov

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