> James Stroud wrote:
>> "better". The only reason I want this functionality is to make my
>> available to windoze users--despite their unfortunate ignorance, they
>> people too. That's what I always say.

Jon Perez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Actually, I think it's many unix/linux users who are ignorant of just
> how nice, stable and productive Windows can be as a desktop
> ... and I really mean that.  ;-).

> Thomas Heller:
> I was waiting for someone to say that.
> +1.

Well, I'm with you. I'm sure a lot of people will chime in to
point out just how flexible and useful and productive Linux
is as a workstation, but every time I try to use it -- and
I make an honest effort -- I end up back in Windows where
I've been at home for 10 years and more. I don't claim
that Windows has some overall superiority; I merely claim
that -- as a professional programmer -- I find Windows at
least as easy and comfortable and productive for my tasks
as Linux.


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