A bit off topic, but it amazes me that people in the web design/Internet industry don't take a more active stance against Microsoft.
Think about it: The health care industry has been privatized in the U.S. I spent sixteen years in education, another institution that has been privatized. (It has largely become another Microsoft subsidiary.) So here we have web designers, who are among the freest people in the world, able to choose their specialties, hours, fees and even where they work. Yet they surrender to Microsoft's "standards" without a fight. Frankly, I think every self-respecting webmaster ought to be campaigning against Microsoft on their websites. Tiny, simple messages like "Microsoft-Free" or "If you like George AWOL Bush, you'll love Bill Gates," could go a long ways in educating the public. __________________________________ Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click. http://farechase.yahoo.com -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list