Ok, first off, thanks for all the help guys,

this part " set xtics  ("label" pos, "label" pos, "label" pos) "
is mainly what i was confused about. the 'pos' part. i think that the
way i am writing
this leaves this out. in fact, i am pretty sure.

here is the code i am trying out.

def draw_chart(self, StartTime, EndTime):
        # make start time and end time markers in  seconds
        start_tic = time.mktime(time.strptime(StartTime, '%Y-%m-%d
        end_tic = time.mktime(time.strptime(EndTime, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
        # get the difference in seconds between start and end times
        diff_time = start_tic - end_tic
        # get tick marks with respect to time
        tic_increment = diff_time / 15
        #build an array of ticmarks
        tics_raw = []
        tic_adder = start_tic
        for x in range(13):
                tic_adder = tic_adder + tic_increment

        #add the last time to the tics array

        # change all the tic increments to reader understandable values
        tics = []
        for x in tics_raw:
                tics.append(time.strftime('%m/%d %H:%M', time.localtime(x)))
                print 'tic '+(time.strftime('%m/%d %H:%M', time.localtime(x)))

        # get the plot points date / value
        Sensor =  self.GraphSensorEntry.get_text()
        db = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user="piv",
passwd="crayon99", db="DDS")
        cursor.execute("SELECT `Raw`, `DateTime` FROM `Process` WHERE
`Sensor_ID` = '"+Sensor+"' \
        AND `DateTime` > '"+StartTime+"' AND `DateTime` < '"+EndTime+"'
ORDER BY `DateTime` ")
        results = cursor.fetchall()
        plot_x = []
        plot_y = []
        for row in results:
                Value = row[0]
                #convert datetime.datetime object to epoch (seconds) object
                Time = time.mktime(row[1].timetuple())
                print time.strftime('%m/%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(Time))

        g = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(debug=1)
        data = Gnuplot.Data(plot_x,plot_y)
        outfile = '/home/piv/PivData/tmp/images/graph.png'
        g('set term png')
        g('set out "%s"' % outfile)
        g('set xtics (%s)' % (tics))


and this is the terminal output i get

gnuplot> set title "testing"
gnuplot> set term png
gnuplot> set out "/home/piv/PivData/tmp/images/graph.png"
gnuplot> set xtics (['10/18 09:54', '10/17 22:42', '10/17 11:30',
'10/17 00:18', '10/16 13:06', '10/16 01:54', '10/15 14:42', '10/15
03:30', '10/14 16:18', '10/14 05:06', '10/13 17:54', '10/13 06:42',
'10/12 19:30', '10/12 08:18', '10/25 09:54'])
gnuplot> plot '/tmp/tmpn2URt2' notitle

gnuplot> set xtics (['10/18 09:54', '10/17 22:42', '10/17 11:30',
'10/17 00:18', '10/16 13:06', '10/16 01:54', '10/15 14:42', '10/15
03:30', '10/14 16:18', '10/14 05:06', '10/13 17:54', '10/13 06:42',
'10/12 19:30', '10/12 08:18', '10/25 09:54'])
         line 0: invalid expression

it is drawing the graph though, and it looks right compared with the

i noticed in the docs for gnuplot, that it can do date/time and by
default uses seconds since 2000. and then you can pass the format that
you want to show it in.
would this give the same kind of result that i am looking for ?

my math in how i am doing this is kinda off too, i think.
for the stuff i am doing on our website, i use php with jpgraph, it
does things a little

thanks for everything


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