Antoon Pardon wrote: > I also think there is the problem that people aren't used to partial > ordering. There is an ordering over sets, it is just not a total > ordering. But that some pairs are uncomparable (meaning that neither > one is smaller or greater) doesn't imply that comparing them is > ill defined.
It depends on your definition of "comparison." Admittedly, <, =, !=, and > can be defined for a partial ordering, but classical mathematics, as understood by most people (even programmers), assumes that unless a == b, a > b or a < b. The comparisons, as defined this way, are done on a totally ordered set, yes. But since most comparisons ever done -are- done on a totally ordered set (namely the integers or reals), it's entirely fair to say that "a programmer's expectation" is that comparisons should work more or less like a totally ordered list. With that caevat in mind, comparison on a partially ordered domain /is/ ill-defined; it can give inconsistent results from the "a < b or a > b or a == b" rule. > > Well it is a wrong assumption is general. There is nothing impure about > partial ordering. Impure? Probably not. Useless from many perspective when "comparisons" are needed, to the point where it's probably safer to throw an exception than define results. > That is IMO irrelevant. The subset relationship is an ordering and as > such has all characteristics of other orderings like "less than", > except that the subset relationship is partial and the less than > relationship is total. How it is called "subset" vs "less than" is > IMO irrelevant. It is about mathematical characteristics. Still accident. < wouldn't be used for sets if we had a subset symbol on the standard keyboard, APL fans notwithstanding. Simce programmers familiar with Python understand that < on sets isn't a "real" comparison (i.e. provide a total order), they don't expect unique, consistent results from something like sort (or a tree, for that matter). > > >>By analogy, one can ask, "is the cat inside the box?" and get the answer >>"No", but this does not imply that therefore the box must be inside the >>cat. > > > Bad analogy, this doesn't define a mathematical ordering, the subset > relationship does. Yes, it does. Consider "in" as a mathematical operator: For the set (box, cat-in-box) box in box: False box in cat-in-box: False cat-in-box in box: True cat-in-box in cat-in-box: False For the set (box, smart-cat) # cat's too smart to get in the box box in box: False box in smart-cat: False smart-cat in box: False smart-cat in smart-cat: False In both these cases, the "in" operator is irreflexive, asymmetric, and transitive (extend to mouse-in-cat if you really care about transitive), so "in" is a partial order sans equality. A useless one, but a partial order nonetheless. >>Notice that L1 and L2 contain the same elements, just in different orders. >>Sorting those two lists should give the same order, correct? > > > No. Since we don't have a total ordering, sorting doesn't has to give > the same result. For as far as sorting is defined on this kind of > object, the only thing I would expect is that after a sort the > following condition holds. > > for all i,j if i < j then not L[i] > L[j] Highly formal, aren't you? Again, common programming allows for "not a > b" == "a <= b", so your condition becomes the more familiar: for all i,j in len(list), if i < j then L[i] <= L[j] This condition is also assumed implicitly by many other assumed "rules" of sorted lists, namely their uniqueness: "If L is a list of unique keys, then sort(L) is a unique list of keys in sorted order." Yes, this assumes that L has a total order. Big whoop -- this is a matter of programming practiciality rather than mathematical purity. >>Personally, I argue that sorting is something that you do to lists, and >>that all lists should be sortable regardless of whether the objects within >>them have a total order or not. If not, the list should impose a sensible >>ordering on them, such as (perhaps) lexicographical order ("dictionary >>order"). To reply to the grandparent poster here: that's not always easy to do. A "sensible order" isn't always easy to define on a set where a partial order exists, if it includes that order already. Adding comparison-pairs to a partially ordered set (where incomparable elements throw an exception, rather than just return False which is confusing from sort's perspective) can easily result in a graph that isn't actually transitive and antisymmetric, i.e.: A > B > C, but C > D > A for some operator ">" With this in mind, the only sensible thing for .sort to do when it encounters an exception is to fall back to its "backup" comparator (id, for example), and resort /the entire list/ using that comparator. The results returned will then be valid by sort's comparison, but a subset of that list containing only "good" objects (like integers) may not (and probably won't be) sorted itself using the object's comparison. The difficulty arises because while we may consider a single type to be fully ordered, it may also have some comparisons with other types; sorting the list by type, then value seems like it would work (and that's what the library does), but since we can sometimes compare across types, this may not give a valid comparison. Consider: [apple, wheat, cow] apple < cow (defined, totally ordered) Mammal > Grain > Fruit (accident of type id numbers) apple < wheat throws TypeError, also wheat < cow Since we encounter a TypeError when sorting this list, we first sort by type: [cow, wheat, apple] and would then sort-by-comparison within types, if we had more than one. But since apple < cow, the sublist of this list [cow, apple] is not itself sorted. This is paradoxical under a single comparison, because a sublist of any sorted list is itself supposed to be sorted. The ordering that .sort used on the full list is well-defined and total, but it's also useless. > But will all libraries sort the shelves in the same way. As far as I > understand a book gets somekind of code in a library and books are > sorted according to these codes. Now everybody sorts these codes the > same way, but the attibution of the code may differ from library to > library. Irrelevant; if you swap the order of any two (nonidentical) books in a single library, then the library is unsorted. The library has imposed a total order on books in its collection. The library example is irrelevant, anyway; two books can always be compared by the keys (author last, author first/middle, [other authors], title, editor, year published, publisher, number of pages, colour of the brightest line in the cover's emmission spectrum at 2000k in spectral order [within visible spectrum]), and for the most part this is a useful keyspace. Libraries just choose to impose a category/numbering at the head of the key. --