>John Abel wrote:
>>I'm running Python 2.3.5/2.4.2 on OSX 10.4.2, and am trying to run CGI
>>scripts using the builtin Apache.  For ease, I've symlinked my custom
>>modules into the /Library/Python/2.3/site-packages directory, and they
>>import OK via command line python.  However, when I perform the import
>>from a cgi script, python fails to find the module.  It is definately
>>something to do with the symlink, as the CGI works OK if I copy the
>>directory into site-packages.  Is there some oddness with Python/Apache
>>and symlink imports?
>>Any pointers would be most useful.
>If running OS supplied Apache, it runs as the user "www". Because this
>isn't you or root, check that the directory your symlink points at is
>accessible to others as well as any directories above it back up to the
>root directory. If it isn't accessible, the user Apache runs as will
>be able to find and use the files. When you are copying the directory
>you are possibly giving it read access for others in  the process and
>that is why it works then.
Yup, that's the problem.  Just got to figure out OSX's permissions, now.

Thank you!


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