Maybe Pexpect can help you, I think it does what you want, I'm just not sure it works on windows, as I think it uses pty's.
Please read it's FAQ about stdio buffer behaviour, I think it's also valid on Windows. Adriaan Renting. >>>"jas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/24/05 2:33 pm >>> #I see that, although I don't totall grasp the code. However, I am #looking to basically emulate a command prompt. i.e. everything u see #in the windows command prompt should be displayed back in python. # #How can I do it without files? # #Kent Johnson wrote: #>jas wrote: #>>Any other ideas? or examples of using subprocess to do what I was #>>asking? #> #>Actually I thought I was giving an example of what you were asking: #>- on windows #>- send a series of commands to a command process #>- capture the result to a variable #> #>The example I referenced sends a series of HELP commands to cmd.exe, captures the output of the commands and saves it to a #file. #> #>What did I miss? #> #>Kent #> #>> #>> #>>Kent Johnson wrote: #>> #>>>jas wrote: #>>> #>>>>I would like to redirect the output from os.system to a variable, but 3>>>>am having trouble. I tried using os.popen(..).read() ...but that #>>>>doesn't give me exactly what i want. #>>> #>>>Here is an example using subprocess: #>>> 3>>> #>>>Kent #>>> #>>> --