>This post comes from a boring morning, if you are busy ignore this.
>This post is only for relaxed people.
>I've found this page, "Syntax Across Languages", it contains many
>errors and omissions, but it's interesting.
>Compared to the other languages Python comes out rather well, in quick
>scan only few things look better in other languages (usually all/most
>things are possible in all languages, so it's often just a matter of
>brevity, elegance, etc):
>- Nestable Pascal-like comments (useful): (* ... *)

That's only meaningful in languages with begin-comment AND end-comment
delimiters.  Python has only begin-comment.  Effectively, you CAN nest
comments in Python:

  cool = 17
  # The following section of code has been commented out.
  # call_function( cool )
  # # This would be neater if I had a real-life example.
  # # As it is, it looks silly.
  # print "New result", cool

  print "All done"
- Tim Roberts, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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