Ernesto wrote:

>> > Thanks.  Can anyone provide an example of using *subprocess* to run
>> > helloWorld.C through the python interpreter.
>> compile helloWorld, and run:
>>     import subprocess
>> (any special reason why you couldn't figure this out yourself, given the
>> example provided by gsteff ?)
> There is a reason (though it is not special).  I'm new to Python.  I
> looked at all the documentation on subprocess, as well as popen.  I
> couldn't figure it out, so I thought an example (which I thank you for
> providing) would help me along (which it did).

as I noted in the part of my reply that you didn't read, the person you replied 
(gsteff) also provided an example.  Since his post didn't contain any other 
text, I
did find it a bit strange that you missed that part of his message, but still 
to reply to it.



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