> What possible tricky areas/questions could be asked in Python based
> Technical Interviews?

I like to present code that seems like it should work, but has some kind
of relatively subtle problem, either of correctness in some corner case,
or of performance, etc -- and I ask them what they would say if they
were to code-review that code, or how they would help a student who came
to them with that code and complaints about it not working, &c.

This tells me whether they have real-world Python experience, and how
deep, or whether they've carefully studied the appropriate areas of
"Python in a Nutshell" and the Cookbook (and I'm biased enough to think
that the second kind of preparation is almost as good as the first

Not sure whether you think this count as "tricky"... they're typically
problems that do come up in the real world, from (e.g.):
    for string_piece in lots_of_pieces:
        bigstring += string_piece
(a typical performance-trap) to
    for item in somelist:
        if isbad(item):
(with issues of BOTH correctness and performance), to
    class Sic:
        def getFoo(self): ...
        def setFoo(self): ...
        foo = property(getFoo, setFoo)
    class Base(object)
        def getFoo(self): ...
        def setFoo(self): ...
        foo = property(getFoo, setFoo)

    class Derived(Base):
        def getFoo(self): ....

and so on, and so forth.  If a candidate makes short work of a couple of
these, and I've been asked to focus my part of the interview solely on
Python coding, I may branch out into more advanced stuff such as asking
for an example use case for a closure, a custom descriptor, or an import
hook, for example -- those are the cases in which I'm trying to decide
if, on a scale of 1 to 5, the candidate's Python competence is about 4
or well over 4 (I would not consider having no idea of why one might
want to code a custom descriptor to be at all "disqualifying" -- it
would just mean I'd rate the candidate 4 out of five, instead of 4.5 or
more, for Python coding competence).


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