"Matt Garrish" wrote:
<body not downloaded>

That does it. From this point on my newsfilter is killing
(leaving on the server) any articles cross-posted to more than
three groups.

To all of the snivelling punks polluting the Usenet with their
verbal diarrhea here:

Shut up and go away.


(I haven't read a single post here, but don't need to. A bunch
of aliases with no posting histories equals trolls equals verbal

And my killfile thanks you for the sumptuous feast all of the
aliases used on this thread have given it.

Do your Mommy's know that you are playing with their computers


Homepage: http://home.earthlink.net/~alanconnor/
Fanclub: http://www.pearlgates.net/nanae/kooks/alanconnor.shtml

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