I've posted this question to comp.graphics.apps.gnuplot too but given that
this python group may also comprise a lot of gnuplot users, and is far more
active, I've posted this question here too. My apologies to those who read
this twice. I posted to cgag before I decided to post here with a more
meaningful subject.

Anyone had any success getting stdout from gnuplot on an ms windows system
(XP)? I'm trying to read mouse coordinates using python. This link shows a
basic mechanism implemented in python.


It is similar to the gnuplot.py code which I understand is unidirectional
only ie. send commands to gnuplot via gnuplot stdin. My hope is that I can
implement the bidirectional interface in gnuplot.py and give it away to
whoever might find it useful. But first, I gotta get it working.

I can't seem to get anything back to a python shell by this method. Hangs in
the function thats supposed to read stdout. Could be something I'm doing
wrong with python but I rather suspect there is something in the way gnuplot
on windows deals with stdout that I'm not understanding.

btw - I'm using gnuplot 4.1 (Oct 10 cvs build), python 2.3



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