On Thu, 20 Oct 2005, Mike Meyer wrote:

>> other than haskell and SQL, the others are more or less the same to me 
>> so getting familiar with them is not too difficult.
> There are actually lots of good "train your brain" type languages. 
> Members of the LISP family, for instance, to learn what you can do with 
> lists, and also for how cool a real macro facility can be. I happen to 
> like Scheme, but that's just me.

I haven't actually done anything much in any LISP, but Scheme definitely 
looks like a winner to me - single namespace, generally cleaned-up 
language and library, etc.


For one thing at least is almost certain about the future, namely, that very 
much of it will be such as we should call incredible. -- Olaf Stapledon

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