Working with several thousand tagged items on a Tkinter Canvas, I want to change different configurations of objects having a certain group of tags.
I've used the sets module, on the tuple returned by Tkinter.Canvas. find_withtag() method. Since this method takes only one tag at time, I use it for each tag that is part of the look-up group, create a set object for each tuple and intersect the resulting sets, that I tuple out again to feed a loop to change the configuration of the items. Anyone have a more pythonic way (or better performing ) way to suggest ? Thanks in advance, Jean-Marc # My test code # the code is not generic here # my question only pertains to the intersection algorithm perse from Tkinter import * import random, sets root=Tk() m1 = Canvas(root,width=410,height=410) m1.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) for i in range(10): x=random.randrange(1,400) y=random.randrange(1,400) m1.create_oval(x,y,x+10,y+10,fill="red",tags=("etoile","rouge")) for i in range(10): x=random.randrange(1,400) y=random.randrange(1,400) m1.create_rectangle(x,y,x+10,y+10,fill="red",tags=("artefact","rouge")) for i in range(10): x=random.randrange(1,400) y=random.randrange(1,400) m1.create_rectangle(x,y,x+10,y+10,fill="green",tags=("artefact","green")) # i=m1.find_withtag("artefact") j=m1.find_withtag("rouge") s1=sets.Set(i) s2=sets.Set(j) s3=s1.intersection(s2) myIntersection=tuple(s3._data.keys()) for i in myIntersection: m1.itemconfig(i,fill="black") root.mainloop() --