Christian Stapfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > This is why we would like to have a way of (roughly) > estimating the reasonableness of the outlines of a > program's design in "armchair fashion" - i.e. without > having to write any code and/or test harness.
And we would also like to consume vast amounts of chocolate, while similarly reclining in comfortable armchairs, without getting all fat and flabby. Unfortunately, what we would like and what reality affords are often pretty uncorrelated. No matter how much theoreticians may love big-O because it's (relatively) easy to compute, it still has two failings which are often sufficient to rule out its sufficiency for any "estimate [of] the reasonableness" of anything: [a] as we operate on finite machines with finite wordsize, we may never be able reach anywhere even remotely close to the "asymptotic" region where big-O has some relationship to reality; [b] in many important cases, the theoretical worst-case is almost impossible to characterize and hardly ever reached in real life, so big-O is of no earthly use (and much harder to compute measures such as big-Theta should be used for just about any practical purpose). Consider, for example, point [b]. Quicksort's big-O is N squared, suggesting that quicksort's no better than bubblesort or the like. But such a characterization is absurd. A very naive Quicksort, picking its pivot very systematically (e.g., always the first item), may hit its worst case just as systematically and in cases of practical importance (e.g., already-sorted data); but it takes just a little extra care (in the pivot picking and a few side issues) to make the worst-case occurrences into ones that will not occur in practice except when the input data has been deliberately designed to damage by a clever and determined adversary. Designing based on worst-case occurrences hardly ever makes sense in any field of engineering, and blind adherence to worst-case assessments can be an unmitigated disaster, promoting inferior technology just because, in the WORST imaginable case, the best available technology would fare no better than the inferior one (even though in 99.99999% of cases the best technology would perform better, if you're designing based on worst-case analyses you may not even NOTICE that -- and NEVER, *NEVER* forget that big-O is nothing BUT "extreme-worst-case" analysis!). Why bother using prestressed concrete, when, should a large asteroid score a direct hit, the costly concrete will stand up no better than cheap bricks, or, for that matter, slightly-damp straw? Why bother doing (e.g.) random pivot selection in quicksort, when its big-O (i.e., worst-case) behavior will remain N-squared, just like naive quicksort, or, for that matter, bubblesort? Alex --