> hi
> i have a piece of code:
> ...
> def connectdb(sql):
>    import dbi
>    import odbc
>    import sys
>    try:
>        s = odbc.odbc('DSN=CONN;UID=user;PWD=pass')
>        cur = s.cursor()
>       # cur.execute("set nocount on")
>        cur.execute(sql)
>        while 1:
>            rec = cur.fetchone()
>            if not rec: break
>    return rec
>    except:
>        print 'error while processing ', sys.exc_type,sys.exc_value
>    s.close()
>    cur.close()
>    s = None
>    cur = None
> ...
> sql = r'update table set col = 'A' where user = "user1"'
> connectdb(sql)
> when i execute it from CGI, i encounter the following :
> error while processing dbi.internal-error [MERANT][ODBC Sybase ASE
> driver]Invalid cursor state. in FETCH None
> but when i did check the table, the value of col is updated to 'A',
> how can i suppress the above error message? or is there some other
> things
> that are wrong with the code.
> thanks
The update is performed as soon as you execute the cursor.
No recordset is returned from the update, so you can remove
the fetch altogether.


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  • odbc errors eight02645999
    • Re: odbc errors Roger Upole

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