On Friday 14 October 2005 21:22, Derek Perriero wrote:
> What would be the best way to create a cgi session that contains the
> basic elements of a cookie and can also hold secure data, such as a
> username/password. [...]

Said. Done. I just tidied up a module we will be using for a web site
here. It uses the promised session-cookie handling (with a lot of security
checks) and a MySQL database backend. I tried to document as well as 
so I hope it will even help you if you use it or not. To try it out just
grab the two files from http://workaround.org/pysessions/ and copy them 
into a
cgi-bin/ directory. Create a database and the two tables following the
scheme described on top of the MySessions.py module. Then access the
/cgi-bin/mypage CGI. Hope to have helped.

This is my first "bigger" Python script. I would really like to hear 
on it. If it's deemed to be decent I could use some help making it a 
that can be used by others as well. There is probably a bit of perlishness
that I'd like to get rid of to make it look more snake-like.

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