I've been experimenting with the python zipfile module, and have run
into a snag.

I'm able to create a new zipfile with the module's ZipFile class and
add files to it.  After closing the file, I'm able to view the contents
of it with WinZip.  I can also confirm that it is a python zip file by
using the is_zipfile() method.  All good so far.  However, under some
circumstances, I am unable to later read the file and extract its
contents.  As soon as a I attempt to instantiate a new ZipFile
instance, I receive an error regarding Bad Magic number.   In the past,
I've seen that when trying to use a .pyc module, created with one
Python version, using another Python version.  But in this case, I
created the zip file under Python 2.4.2 and tried to open it under
Python 2.4.2 as well.  Any ideas on what to do?  (apart from giving up
on Python and using winzip?)

On a separate topic, zipfile wasn't available under Python 1.5.2. I
need to create zip files using that old version, since it's the only
one installed on a remote server.  Any suggestions on what to do?



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