Roedy Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Sun, 09 Oct 2005 20:06:34 -0400, Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> or quoted :
>>Nah, I've just know people who spend a lot of time - and money -
>>dealing with spam, and we've discussed these issues at great
>>length. You haven't proposed anything that hasn't been proposed
>>before, and rejected for various reasons.
> As if what we are living with now were preferable to what I propose.

Nope. Any of the rejected proposals would be better than what we have

> It is inertia. It is herd mentality that dare not leap out of the
> current rut. It is not a particularly difficult technical problem. It
> is figuring out how to get people to switch over.

Yup, you solved an easy problem - designing a spam-proof email
system. That's been done any number of times. The hard part is a
deployment strategy that will actually get the world to transition to
such a system. That's why earlier nearly identical proposals got
rejected - nobody could come up with a workable transition plan.
Without a transition plan, a better email system is only of academic
interest - and not even much of that at this late date.

And yes, it's just inertia. Sort of like why the world stays in it's
orbit is just inertia. If you could get enough people to agree on a
solution and switch to it at the same time, you'd be done. But
"enough" is everyone who uses email, so realistically you need a plan
- and a system - that lets things interoperate during the transition.

Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

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