Googling for "python watch for directory changes" turns these

One of those should help you out.

Google is your friend!

Larry Bates

Bell, Kevin wrote:
> Anyone have any advice on listening for directory events?  
> I'd like to fire off my script if new files are added to a directory.
> Right now, I've set up my script as a scheduled task (Windows XP) and
> when the script is run periodically, it initially looks for new files
> and does it's magic if there are some.  I assume I could have python
> check for new files then sleep for a bit, and check again.  If I did it
> that way, would I run into problems running other py scripts while the
> first one was active?  I read about processes being protected from each
> other, but didn't really grok it in fullness.
> Kev


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