"Andrew Markebo" wrote:
> Hello!
> I am messing around with communicating between LabVIEW and Python, got
> it to work by a small 'fix' (grabbing the generated file, and
> importing it by hand)
> What I might want to do, is to automatically generate the data done by
> executing makepy.py and run by it.
> What I select in makepy.py is a library "LabVIEW data 7.1", I would
> like to do this from my program. Any hints?
> Then, is it possible making this on a minor mode, basically I have
> only to dig out the CLSID of "LabVIEW data 7.1" and put it into the
> generated file.. sort of??

You can use win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch
to automatically generate the makepy file for an object's library
when the object is created.  Use the bForDemand option to
only generate the code for objects as needed.


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