>>>>> "gurkesaft" == gurkesaft  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    gurkesaft> Thank you, Robert.  I noticed how obsolete it is!
    gurkesaft> There is no documentation.

    gurkesaft> Matplotlib freezes my system if I close a plot and make
    gurkesaft> a new one :(.  Bah.  Windows :)

Have you seen the documentation on 


In particular, you need to make sure that your backend, shell, and
interactive setting all are harmonious.  One suggestion: in your rc
file, try setting 'backend : TkAgg' and 'interactive : True' in your
http://matplotlib.sf.net/matplotlibrc file.  Also, beware of using
matplotlib from a GUI IDE which uses a different GUI toolkit than the
one you've selected in your rc file.  I realize this is complex -- but
I think it is part and parcel of the curse of python.  python supports
6+ GUI toolkits and so matplotlib does too!  If the GUI mainloop and
matplotlib mainloop don't agree, bad things can happen.


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