On Tue, 11 Oct 2005 14:27:30 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote or
quoted :

>> This would slow them down with requests for permission to send. they
>> could send only one per certificate.  The  cost and hassle of getting
>> the certificate could deter tem, and uniquely identify them for
>> blocking and public black lists.
>Plus being a total pain for legitimate correspondents and also expensive.

First understand that you only have to get permission to send once.
That carries on until revoked.  Permission gives me an encryption key
and permission to send mail to you.

Also I envision by the time this comes into being most people will be
24-7 attached. 

So let's say I decide to send an email to Donald Knuth.  I compose my
one line introduction. I compose my email and walk away.  Without
further hassle on my part, either my mail will be delivered, or will
be rejected or it will sit in limbo until Dr. Knuth gets time to
decide.  If he rejects my plea, my mail will never arrive at his site.

Presumably Dr. Knuth would configure his software to accept only pleas
from people with digital ids, and further to accept at most one plea
from them and to remember his no for at least a year.
Canadian Mind Products, Roedy Green.
http://mindprod.com Again taking new Java programming contracts.

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