This is about a small subcontracting project. This is an interesting project which produces interactive graphs of the gnutella network. We are updating a python project written by students at Berkeley a few years ago. This project is to switch from an out-dated data host to a new one.
The following is a link to the source code for a python project which makes radial maps of gnutella hosts: The code theoretically works, and the maps look like this: But the current code uses That host is not longer active. The project is to make this code work again by using a new host cache. Tasks: 1) Review the code to see the type of data the script requires. 2) Change the host from "" to something else. See: NOTE: There is an alternative version of this project which you can propose. You can propose bid to instead remove ALL gnutella-related code, and generate a simple random node structure. We are more interested in the animation and layout code than the gnutella code. If you are interested, you can contact me at googlePython at ilibi dot com , or you can see a posting of this project on the following job board: --