I took the advice from this web page: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q100027/ (I don't know how this extends to floppies, and the 9x family of OSes isn't listed in "applies to", so this may not help your case)
Here, I open "physical drive 0" and see that the magic number indicates a valid boot record. I believe it is the MBR. >>> f = open('\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive0', 'rb') >>> f.read(512)[-2:] 'U\xaa' # that is, hex 55 AA I don't know much about low-level filesystem or partition details--I got the tidbit about the 55 AA magic number from http://www-uxsup.csx.cam.ac.uk/pub/doc/suse/sles9/adminguide-sles9/ch08.html Jeff
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