Brandon K wrote:
> Hey, so I heard about the TurboGears posting and decided to investigate. 
>      I watched some of their video on building a wiki in 20 minutes and 
> was totally blown away because I'm used to python...straight python, not 
> melding together 4 different APIs into one to blah blah.  ANYWAY.  I was 
> investigating each subproject individually and could not, for the life 
> of me figure out how Kid worked.  I understand that it takes a 
> well-formed XML document and transforms it, but I could not figure out 
> where it transforms it, or how to transform a document.  They have 
> plenty of template examples, but I'm left say, "What do I do with this?" 
> I know I can't just pop in it a browser because it has no sort of style 
> sheet or anything so it would just render as an XML document.  What do 
> you do after you have a kid template?

Did you read the documentation?

Robert Kern

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
 Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
  -- Richard Harter


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