In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Paul Rubin wrote:

> You might be better off with a 2.6 series kernel.  If you use Python
> conservatively (be careful with the most advanced features, and don't
> stress anything too hard) you should be ok.  Python works pretty well
> if you use it the way the implementers expected you to.  Its
> shortcomings are when you try to press it to its limits.

Just one thing: how reliable is the garbage collecting system?
Should I try to either not produce any garbage or try to clean
up manually?

> You do want reliable hardware with ECC and all that, maybe with multiple
> servers and automatic failover.  This site might be of interest:

Well... Here the uptime benefit from using several servers is
not eceonomically justifiable. I am right now at the phase of
trying to minimize the downtime with given hardware resources.
This is not flying; downtime does not kill anyone. I just want
to avoid choosing tools which belong more to the problem than
to the solution set.

- Ville

Ville Voipio, Dr.Tech., M.Sc. (EE)


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