Gregory Piñero wrote:
The Python-Card guys are really helpful, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, you may have to register on sourceforge to get on their list.Thanks Greg. Usually, you'll do something like ... result = dialog.textEntryDialog(self, 'Enter your password:', 'Password',Note the last parameter wx.TE_PASSWORD - this ensures that the characters typed are echoed as starts (or bullets, or something) so they can't be read by anyone overlooking the user. [you may need to add an "import wx" to use this] The Text Entry Dialog has both an "OK" and a "Cancel" button (and can be simply closed), so it's important to check that result.accepted is True before using any text entered. The sampleLauncher of small demos and samples that comes with PythonCard has a an example of usage for every kind of dialog, and most of the components, so it can be a good source for questions like this. Also, you can often find what you need by using the FindFiles utility (comes with PythonCard) to find examples of usage within the PythonCard samples subdirectory. The parallels with Hypercard aren't that strong. :-) In this case, PythonCard is more versatile (i.e. less helpful) - it just returns the string entered, leaving it up to you whether to one-way hash it, encrypt it, use it as an MD5 key phrase, or whatever. -- Alex Tweedly |
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