Mike Meyer:
> Paul Rubin:

>> I read mail over an ssh connection to a Unix shell.  I have no easy
>> way to read html email with a graphics browser.
> You don't need a grahics browser - you just need a browser. I read
> mail in emacs, and use emacs-w3m to view html in the mailer. Works for
> most things, and doesn't have the nasty side effect of letting the
> sender know I read it by fetching images from their web site.
>> I occasionally get html email that I want to read.  I save it in a
>> file and read it with lynx, which so far works perfectly well.  I
>> find html email to be a PITA and as someone else said, html in email
>> is an almost sure sign that it's a message that I want to trash
>> without reading it.
> Unfortunately, I've found that HTML email comes in two flavors: That
> which sets content-type to text/html in the headers, and that which
> sets it to some form of multipart in the headers. I used to bounce all
> mail of either form. Then I discovered that the AOL client - used by
> my relatives - could *not* be set to not send HTML email. At least it
> sends text/plain as well. On investigation, most legit email does
> sends multipart/mixed, so I only reject mail whose sole content is
> text/html.

Let procmail make all those decisions and transformations for you.

I have a maildir called 'raw' where I keep a copy of all non-spammish

Copies of the same messages also get delivered in the right mailboxes,
by procmail.
A message that contains only html, is piped though lynx -dump -stdin.
A message containing both HTML and a plain/text-part, is de-mime-d,
leaving only the plain/text-part (unless that part contains only a silly
Footers and long signatures are limited or even deleted. Etc., etc. (I
like my mail cooked.)

One of the reasons that I started with Perl, is that I want to rewrite
procmail in Perl.

Affijn, Ruud    <http://www.pandora.com/?sc=sh770781&cmd=tunermini>

"Gewoon is een tijger."


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