Well, I didn't buy it JUST to compile python extensions, I'm looking to 
write C++ apps as well, I just use python for a lot of math and science 
simulations, and I got VS .NET at heavy discount since I'm a student.
> Brandon K wrote:
>> In case you missed it, I said I have windows XP.  Windows XP 
>> pre-compiled python binaries are built on VS .NET 2003.  In order to 
>> build extensions, you need the compiler the interpreter was built on, 
>> or at least that is what is reported to me by calling setup.py.  If I 
>> was using linux, which I currently am not, it'd be a different story.  
>> Additionally, GCC isn't available for windows XP, only MinGW, the 
>> port, and I don't know that much about it to use it running on a 
>> Windows platform.  Furthermore, I was asking for help on an extension, 
>> not an economical question about my programming environment.
>> Thanks
>>> On Oct 4, 2005, at 10:25 PM, Brandon Keown wrote:
>>>>   I have programmed a fractal generator (Julia Set/Mandelbrot Set) 
>>>> in python in the past, and have had good success, but it would run 
>>>> so slowly because of the overhead involved with the calculation.  I 
>>>> recently purchased VS .NET 2003 (Win XP, precomp binary of python 
>>>> 2.4.2rc1) to make my own extensions.
>>> Why did you need to purchase anything when gcc is available for free?
> Since gcc isn't an option, the logical way to proceed would be to do 
> what others have done and install the Microsoft Toolkit compiler, 
> available from their web site for the outrageous price of nothing. I can 
> vouch that it really does compile extensions for Python 2.4 on Windows, 
> having done that myself.
> See
>   http://www.vrplumber.com/programming/mstoolkit/
> regards
>  Steve

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