Richard Gration wrote: > ... fucking ... fucking ... fucking ... fucking ... Fucking ... fucking > ... fucking
My friend, you can learn to use a far richer vocabulary of obscenities. If your creative flow is blocked by the fear that you can't spell more dirty words correctly, you can dispel this fear with a few evenings of study and preparation. Amaze your friends! Amuse your enemies! Enrich your vocabulary! You can learn the joys of cussing seven times in the same sentence without resorting to repetition! For extra points, and with suitable study, you can even learn to write entire paragraphs of _original_ obscenity! Just imagine how much clearer your point would have been if you'd called him a jizz-licking dogcock grabber! Why insult his code with a vague word like "moronicity" when you could use "steaming pile of entrails" or better yet, "bucket of fermented ballsweat?" wouldn't that have made your technical point much clearer? Now go, and don't attempt obscenity in public again until you learn how. Bear --