On Tue, 23 Aug 2005 08:32:09 -0500, l v <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote or quoted :

>I think e-mail should be text only. 

I disagree.  Your problem  is spam, not HTML. Spam is associated with
HTML and people have in Pavlovian fashion come to hate HTML.

But HTML is not the problem!

That is like hating all choirs because televangelists use them.
HTML allows properly aligned table, diagrams, images, use of
colour/fonts to encode speakers. emphasis, hyperlinks.

I try to explain Java each day both on my website on the plaintext
only newsgroups. It is so much easier to get my point across in HTML.

Program listings are much more readable on my website.
Canadian Mind Products, Roedy Green.
http://mindprod.com Again taking new Java programming contracts.

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