I'm writing a Tree class, which should behave a lot like a dictionary.

In order to test this, I took the unittest from the source distribution
for dictionaries and used it to test against my Tree class.

Things are working out rather well, but I stumbled on a problem.

this unittest tries to test for '==' and '<' operators. However I
couldn't find anything in the documentation that defined how
dictionaries should behave with respect to these operators.

For the moment the best I can come up with is something like
the following:

  class Tree:

    def __lt__(self, term):
      return set(self.iteritems()) < set(term.iteritems())

    def __eq__(self, term):
      return set(self.iteritems()) == set(term.iteritems())

Would this be a correct definition of the desired behaviour?

Anyone a reference?

Antoon Pardon

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