On Mon, 3 Oct 2005 14:23:11 +0000 (UTC), Alexandre Fayolle

>I'm about to start a project which will involve some greyscale image
>processing using morphological operators (erosion, dilation, distance
>transforms...), and I was wondering if these operators were available in
>Python through some open source libraries. 
>A quick google search returned pymorphpro[1], which is unfortunately not
>free software, and there also seem to be something available in ITK [2].
>Unless I'm mistaken, the PIL does not provide these operations, nore do
>Have I missed the one true Python mathematical morphology toolbox?
>Thanks in advance for any advice.

Actually, numarray does support morphological array operations. See
the chapter on 'Multi-dimensional image processing' in the numarray

Matt Feinstein

There is no virtue in believing something that can be proved to be true.

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