Hi ! I compile an application (that working good in native python) to exe with py2exe. In native mode (python.exe ReportApp.py) it is working, the reports are created good. But when I try to create a report from the compiled exe, it is show an error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "Report01.pyc", line 164, in OnButton1Button File "report_01.pyc", line 12, in OpenDBForReport File "report_db.pyc", line 11, in OpenDB File "kinterbasdb\__init__.pyc", line 472, in connect File "kinterbasdb\__init__.pyc", line 558, in __init__ File "kinterbasdb\__init__.pyc", line 367, in _ensureInitialized File "kinterbasdb\__init__.pyc", line 315, in init ImportError: No module named typeconv_backcompat The OpenDB is do this: def OpenDB(paramdb): dsn=paramdb.get('PATH','') usr=paramdb.get('USER','sys'+'dba') pwd=paramdb.get('PASSWORD','any') global DB DB=kim.connect(dsn=dsn, user=usr,password=pwd) return DB It seems to be that the problem occured in __init__.pyc. How to I prevent it ? Please help me ! Thanks. For any help. K. O. R. : dd -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list