David Pratt wrote:

> Hi.  Is anyone aware of any python based unacceptable language filter
> code to scan and detect bad language in text from uploads etc.
> Many thanks.
> David

You might be able to adapt languagetool. 

Later versions have been ported to Java, but the old python version of
languagetool is at http://tkltrans.sourceforge.net/#r03

His thesis paper is at

Mind you, given the poor language skills of many native english speakers
(not to mention those for whom english is a second language) relying on
automated filters to enforce 'good' language seems a trifle extreme.  This
post for example would probably not pass.


PS. For the humour impaired, this g*d d*mm post was a f*cking joke, OK! :-)

Mind you, the links are real.

        Nigel Rowe
        A pox upon the spammers that make me write my address like..
                rho (snail) swiftdsl (stop) com (stop) au

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