Hi. In some google posts I searched suggested that there was a list.join() thing that I assume works like string.join [which I notice is now deprecated in favour of S.join()]
It seems that I have been misled. I start with a text file that I split up to run some formatting over the various sections with re.split. I want to join it back together again with a | delimeter and write it out to a new file. I looked for a re.join, but it seems that doesn't exist. I looked for a list.join after reading the aforementioned posts, but it doesn't seem to exist either. To get it to work I did this: List[0] = list0 List[1] = list1 List[2] = list2 List[3] = list3 cat_list = list0 + '|' + flatblurb + '|' + flatcontents + '|' + flates + '\n' file.write(concat_list) But it seems to me that there is probably something more pythonic than having to go about it in such a laborious fashion.... Would someone be so kind as to fill me in? TIA! googleboy -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list