On 30/09/2005, at 10:56 PM, Gerrit Holl wrote:

> Tony Meyer wrote:
>> X-Spambayes-Classification: ham; 0.048
>> X-Spambayes-Evidence: '*H*': 0.90; '*S*': 0.00; 'bug.': 0.07;  
>> 'flagged': 0.07;
>>     "i'd": 0.08; 'bayes': 0.09; 'from:addr:ihug.co.nz': 0.09;
>>     'really,': 0.09; 'cc:no real name:2**0': 0.14;
>>     'from:addr:t-meyer': 0.16; 'from:name:tony meyer': 0.16;
>>     'obvious,': 0.16; 'spambayes': 0.16; 'subject:Guido': 0.16;
>>     'trolling,': 0.16; 'regret': 0.82; 'lee,': 0.91; 'viagra': 0.91;
>>     'mailings': 0.93; 'probability': 0.93
>> This is a feature, not a bug.  It's the same feature that means that
>> messages talking about spam on the spambayes mailing list, or the
>> legitimate mail I get about viagra <wink>, get through to me.
> True. However, most mail to this mailinglist has less than 0.001 spam
> probability. As you can see, this one had 0.048 - a vast score, almost
> enough to put it in my unsure box. It seems to be just not hammy  
> enough.
> It's interesting to see that no none of the foul language words  
> used by
> Xah Lee ever occurs in any spam I receive - spam is not that stupid.

Unless I'm misreading things, that's *my* message that scored 0.048  
(the "from:addr:ihug.co.nz", "from:name:tony meyer", and "spambayes"  
tokens make it seem that way)...



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