[Bengt Richter] > The most detailed discussion I could find was > http://hydracen.com/dx/iso8601.htm
Also of interest:: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/iso-time.html > IMO they [ISO] ought to think of another way to get funded). People have been complaining for decades. ISO seemingly run a high overhead. :-) > Anyway, the 'T' looks to me to be optional by mutual agreement between > particular information exchangers, but otherwise required? I quickly poke around on the net, and the ``T`` is often presented as required, yet I really thought I read otherwise somewhere. Not much of an argument, I once scrutinized the ISO standard itself, yet I likely do not remember much of it! This was quite a while ago, for a French-written study and report I wrote under contract (archives at http://www.progiciels-bpi.ca/man/normes/index.html :-). Yet, I do not remember having retained the 8601 standard in that study. -- François Pinard http://pinard.progiciels-bpi.ca -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list