Delaney, Timothy (Tim) wrote: > Bugs wrote: > > >>It says ActivePython 2.4.1 but I downloaded the 2.4.2 binary installer >>from and the python.exe executable I'm running is >>timestamped 9/28/2005 12:41PM... Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? > > > Visit this site: > > > Then try running the installer you downloaded (note any errors). Also, > since the packages are produced by different groups (ActiveState vs. > perhaps you should uninstall the ActiveState package first > (in which case you may need to install the pywin packages). > > Tim Delaney
While that's often good advice, in this particular case I believe the OP's question was quite smart enough. It certainly got him the right answer in quick time! regards Steve -- Steve Holden +44 150 684 7255 +1 800 494 3119 Holden Web LLC PyCon TX 2006 --