I am  having the following error:

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'pop'

am using Python 2.3.4 and am importing the following libraries:

import sys, os, inspect
from Asterisk import Manager, BaseException, Config
import Asterisk.Util

The code being executed is:
    if command not in commands:
        raise ArgumentsError('invalid arguments.')

    if command == 'usage':
        return usage(argv[0], sys.stdout)

    manager = Manager.Manager(*Config.Config().get_connection())

    if command == 'actions':

    if command == 'help':
        if len(argv) < 3:
            raise ArgumentsError('please specify an action.')


    elif command == 'action':
        if len(argv) < 3:
            raise ArgumentsError('please specify an action.')

            execute_action(manager, argv[2:])
        except TypeError, e:
            print "Bad arguments specified. Help for %s:" % (argv[2],)

    elif command == 'command':
        execute_action('command', argv[2])

def execute_action(manager, argv):
    method_name = argv.pop(0).lower()

but i always thought that something like this will be standard stuff.
Any ideas?

Mike Meyer wrote:

>"M.N.A.Smadi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>I am  having the following error.  I am using someone else's code and
>>all they are doing is pass an argv to a function then
>>def execute_action(manager, argv):
>>    method_name = argv.pop(0).lower()
>>and am getting this strange error.
>>AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'pop'
>>am using Python 2.3.4 and am importing the following libraries:
>>import sys, os, inspect
>>from Asterisk import Manager, BaseException, Config
>>import Asterisk.Util
>>but i always thought that something like this will be standard stuff.
>>Any ideas?
>Yes - show us the rest of the code. execute_action is never called in
>the snippets you posted, and it's pretty clear that it's being invoked
>with the wrong thing as an argument. Can you provide a minimal working
>(well, executable) code sample that generates the error message you
>are getting?
>Oh yeah - post the full traceback as well.
>    <mike


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