On 9/29/05, Will McGugan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi folks,
I've written a Python chess module that does the following.
* Reads / Writes PGN files
* Write FEN files
* Validates moves
* Lists legal moves
* Detects check / mate / stalemate / 50 move rule / threefold repetition
Its still rough around the edges and not fully tested. I'll eventualy
release a more polished version and possibly put it on Sourceforge. In
the meantime I would be grateful for any feedback..
I am aware of the chess module by Erik Max Francis. It may have been
more sensible to work on his version, but I did this mainly for the fun
of it. I wrote a chess game in C++ a while back
(http://www.chesscommander.com) and I thought it would be interesting to
re-implement the chess library part in Python.
Will McGugan
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