Mattia Adami wrote:

> Hi to all!
> I have a little problem. I want to develop an application in c/c++ that
> creates a window with gtk+ accordinly to the information on a xml file.
> The funcions that are called for manage the event should be written in
> python. I don't know how to do it, can you help me? Is it possible?
> Thanks a lot!

Yes, it is possible. Most likely, you will have to embed a Python
interpreter in your app. Have a look at the Extending&Embedding section of
the Python manual.

As an alternative, you can use your C++ code as an extension of Python (a
module). Again, have a look at the Extending&Embedding section of the
Python manual.

BTW: are you aware of the existence of PyGTK and wxPython?

Alessandro Bottoni

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