Dennis Lee Bieber: > I've not investigated -- but what is the default stack size given to > an application?
Python has a stack reserve of 2000000 bytes but that is an allocation of virtual space. Pages are realised in that allocation as required with an initial stack commit of one page, 4096 bytes. Neil C:\Python24>dumpbin /headers python.exe Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 7.10.3077 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Dump of file python.exe PE signature found File Type: EXECUTABLE IMAGE FILE HEADER VALUES 14C machine (x86) 4 number of sections 424A51B8 time date stamp Wed Mar 30 17:14:00 2005 0 file pointer to symbol table 0 number of symbols E0 size of optional header 10F characteristics Relocations stripped Executable Line numbers stripped Symbols stripped 32 bit word machine OPTIONAL HEADER VALUES 10B magic # (PE32) 7.10 linker version 400 size of code A00 size of initialized data 0 size of uninitialized data 1062 entry point (1D001062) 1000 base of code 2000 base of data 1D000000 image base (1D000000 to 1D004FFF) 1000 section alignment 200 file alignment 4.00 operating system version 0.00 image version 4.00 subsystem version 0 Win32 version 5000 size of image 400 size of headers 0 checksum 3 subsystem (Windows CUI) 0 DLL characteristics 1E8480 size of stack reserve 1000 size of stack commit 100000 size of heap reserve 1000 size of heap commit ... --