

We have a HAMAMATSU camera, and we want to display the real-time image (captured every 0.2s+) on the screen. The captured image from camera is raw data, If saved to PNG file via Image (PIL), and open with wx.Image(“*.png”), the image can be shown on the wx.staticBitmap area.

However, the problem is the speed, the capturing takes some time(nothing we can do),  the saving takes more time, the total speed is not acceptable completely.


There must be a way to show the raw image on screen directly without saving to file, any idea would be appreciated!


I tried:


using raw data from Image (Image.fromstring('I', datasize, newbuftemp, 'raw', 'I;16')), then convert it to wx.Image by using PILToWX, which downloaded from internet, all pixels are 255!








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