Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2005-09-25, D H <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>I would recommend emailing the author of a library when you
>>>>have a question about that library.  You should know that
>>>>yourself as well.
>>Please tell me I don't have to explain to you why the author
>>of a 3rd party library might be able to answer a question
>>specific to that library.
> Of course not.  And when that author reads this group, why not
> post questions here so that everybody can benefit from the
> information?

When did I ever argue against that?  I was suggesting a resource to use 
to support your own software.  I think you have assumed that I suggested 
posting here about celementree was off-topic.  Tell me where I ever said 
that.  I said to the first guy that he should ask the author for help, 
meaning that he could get help that way as well.  Furthermore, I believe 
that is the more efficient way to get help, by contacting the author 
directly, especially if that author is too lazy to set up their own 
support forum or list.

>>>For the things I "support", I much prefer answering questions
>>>in a public forum.  
>>Right, which is exactly why we have sourceforge, tigris,
>>google groups,
> Exactly how do you think c.l.p on google groups differs from
> c.l.p on the rest of Usenet?

Who the fuck said that?  Are you pulling this shit out of your ass?

>>and numerous other free resources where you can set up a
>>mailing list to publicly ask and answer questions about your
>>software. Of course it may not get you as many paypal hits as
>>spamming larger forums with your support questions will,
> WTF are you on about?  What the hell is a "Paypal hit"?  How is
> posting a single, on-topic, question to c.l.p "spamming"?

Fredrik Lundh gets money via paypal on his site where his software is 
located.  That's what I meant.  Where did I say this particular post is 
a spam?  Again, your ass?  where do you get this shit?

>>but it is the decent thing to do.
> You sir, are a loon.

You're a funny ass.

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